by Michael Perini | Dec 30, 2011 | Business Development, ePerini READVIEW, pclips
As we move into our third year of business – it’s not lost on me that our clients have made our company successful! My associates and I deeply appreciate you trust and loyalty. I have included the logos from our 2011 clients below. For our supportive readers and... by Michael Perini | Dec 22, 2011 | ePerini READVIEW
Occasionally, I will recommend a news article, book, blog post, research or a short video clip to view relating to public relations. This “eperini Readview” references a USA Today editorial about thinking... by Michael Perini | Oct 6, 2011 | Advice and Counsel, ePerini READVIEW
Occasionally, I will recommend a news article, book, blog post, research or a short video clip to view relating to public relations. This “eperini Readview” references a IABC, CW Bulletin about how to conduct an internal communication, or employee... by Michael Perini | Jul 29, 2011 | ePerini READVIEW
Occasionally, I will recommend a news article, book, blog post, research or a short video clip to view relating to public relations. This “eperini Readview” references a Pew Research Center study about the current debt ceiling crisis... by Michael Perini | Jun 16, 2011 | ePerini READVIEW
Occasionally, I will recommend a news article, book, blog post or a short video clip to view. This “eperini Readview” references a MACWORLD article about a survey by the Donald W. Reylonds Journalism Institute about the ipad and impact on... by Michael Perini | May 12, 2011 | Crisis Communications, ePerini READVIEW, Public Relations News
Occasionally, I will recommend a news article, book, blog post or a short video clip to view. This “eperini Readview” references the USA TODAY report about emergency alerts on cellphones — mbp...