by Editorial Team Member | Sep 10, 2018 | Advice and Counsel, Social Media
With the advent and rapid growth of social media, many small businesses grew to believe that setting up a Facebook page and posting a couple of times a week would suffice for all of their communications needs. Unfortunately, that is not true. Yes, social media is now... by Michael Perini | Jul 16, 2014 | Advice and Counsel, Marketing, Social Media
by Michael B. Perini, ABC perini & associates The small business owner is often used as the example of how America is built. Entrepreneurs make our country great, in my view. However, a new business owner can put their heart and soul (and financial savings) into... by Michael Perini | Apr 25, 2014 | Company, Social Media
Check out our new company Twitter profile using their new format! You might want to follow us as there is often new content that is not posted anywhere else by us. Tweets by... by Michael Perini | Sep 6, 2013 | Advice and Counsel, Social Media
Another eperini Readview worth your time! Source: Perets A few years ago, all I had to do Six Ways to Keep Teens Safe OnlineNow, my daughters are 12 and 14, and each has her own iPhone. Their online lives are lived... by Michael Perini | Apr 19, 2013 | Social Media
Don’t use a one-size-fits-all approach when sharing news on social media. Below are excellent tips that we also use for our clients. Source: PR Web “The Connection” *** The different features and formats of each social network create unique expectations and forms... by Michael Perini | Mar 14, 2013 | Advice and Counsel, Social Media
This is a good reference for small business owners. As a small business, deciding which online marketing channels to focus on can be a challenge. We know, as we work with small business owners each day. This presentation, conducted for the North East Canvas Products...